Trusted Computing for the Java(tm) Platform  

General Information

Trusted Computing for the Java(tm) Platform

The project Trusted Computing for the Java(tm) Platform refers to all efforts to make Trusted Computing services available for Java(tm) developers. Packages in Trusted Computing for the Java(tm) Platform are developed by the Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communications (IAIK).

OpenTC Project

From 2005-2009, the EU OpenTC project (Ref. Nr. 027635) supported the creation of the Trusted Computing for the Java(tm) Platform packages. The Open Trusted Computing (OpenTC) consortium was an R&D project focusing on the development of trusted and secure computing systems based on open source software. The project targeted traditional computer platforms as well as embedded systems such as mobile phones.

For more information about the OpenTC project please refer to

acTvSM Project

acTvSM is a research project supported by the Austrian programme FIT-IT Trust in IT Systems. acTvSM ties technologies such as Trusted Computing, Virtualization and Advanced API Design together to create and demonstrate a novel class of secure software services.

Trusted Computing for the Java(tm) Platform libraries and tools are now supported by this project and serve as essential catalysators for the development of the acTvSM platform.


The results of integrating Trusted Computing into the Java™ platform are published in a series of papers:

K. Dietrich, M. Pirker, T. Vejda, R. Toegl, T. Winkler, and P. Lipp
A practical approach for establishing trust relationships between remote platforms using trusted computing.
In G. Barthe and C. Fournet, editors, Trustworthy Global Computing, volume 4912 of LNCS, pages 156-168. Springer Verlag, 2008.
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T. Vejda, R. Toegl, M. Pirker, and T. Winkler
Towards Trust Services for Language-Based Virtual Machines for Grid Computing.
In Proceedings of TRUST 2008, LNCS. Springer Verlag, 2008.
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R. Toegl and M. Pirker
An ongoing Game of Tetris: Integrating Trusted Computing in Java, block-by-block.
In Proceedings of Future of Trust in Computing 2008, Vieweg+Teubner, 2009.
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Ronald Toegl, Thomas Winkler, Mohammad Nauman, Theodore Hong
Towards Platform-Independent Trusted Computing
STC'09 Proceedings; in CCS 2009 Co-Located Workshops' Compilation Proceedings, 2009.
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