Interface TcIAuthObject

All Known Subinterfaces:
TcIEncData, TcIMonotonicCtr, TcINvRam, TcIRsaKey, TcITpm

public interface TcIAuthObject

This class implements common methods for all auth objects. That are all those working objects that require authorization to be used. Amon those objects are e.g. the TPM, key or EncData objects.

Method Summary
 void changeAuth(TcIAuthObject parentObject, TcIPolicy newPolicy)
          This method changes the authorization data (secret) of an entity (object) and assigns the object to the newPolicy object.
 void changeAuthAsym(TcIAuthObject parentObject, TcIRsaKey identKey, TcIPolicy newPolicy)
          This method changes the authorization data (secret) of an entity (object) utilizing the asymmetric change protocol and assigns the object to the newPolicy object.
 TcIPolicy getPolicyObject(long policyType)
          This method returns the policy object currently assigned to a working object.
 TcIPolicy getUsagePolicyObject()
          This method returns a policy object representing the usage policy currently assigned to the object.

Method Detail


void changeAuth(TcIAuthObject parentObject,
                TcIPolicy newPolicy)
                throws TcTssException
This method changes the authorization data (secret) of an entity (object) and assigns the object to the newPolicy object. All classes using secrets provide this method for changing their authorization data. To change the TPM owner authorization, this method has to be called on the TPM object. The parent has to be set to null. To change the SRK authorization, this method has to be called on the SRK key object and the parent has to be set to the TPM object.

parentObject - The parent object wrapping this object.
newPolicy - Policy object providing the new authorization data.
TSS Spec. 1.2 Errata A, page number:
TSS Spec. 1.10 Golden, Aug. 20, 2003, page number:


void changeAuthAsym(TcIAuthObject parentObject,
                    TcIRsaKey identKey,
                    TcIPolicy newPolicy)
                    throws TcTssException
This method changes the authorization data (secret) of an entity (object) utilizing the asymmetric change protocol and assigns the object to the newPolicy object. All classes using secrets provide this method for changing their authorization data. This method changes the authorization data of an object ensuring that the parent of the object does not get knowledge of the new secret.

parentObject - The parent object wrapping this object
identKey - The identity key object required to proof the internally created temporary key.
newPolicy - The policy object providing the new authorization data.
TSS Spec. 1.2 Errata A, page number:
TSS Spec. 1.10 Golden, Aug. 20, 2003, page number:


TcIPolicy getPolicyObject(long policyType)
                          throws TcTssException
This method returns the policy object currently assigned to a working object. If an application does not create a policy object and does not create a policy object and does not assign it to the working object prior to this call, this function returns the default context policy. Setting a new secret to the default policy will affect all future objects associated with this policy.

policyType - The policy type to be returned (TSS_POLICY_*)
Policy object currently assigned to the object.
TSS Spec. 1.2 Errata A, page number:
TSS Spec. 1.10 Golden, Aug. 20, 2003, page number:


TcIPolicy getUsagePolicyObject()
                               throws TcTssException
This method returns a policy object representing the usage policy currently assigned to the object. It is based on the getPolicy method of the TSS with TSS_POLICY_USAGE as parameter.

Usage policy object.
TSS Spec. 1.2 Errata A, page number:
TSS Spec. 1.10 Golden, Aug. 20, 2003, page number: