Uses of Class

Packages that use TcTssException   

Uses of TcTssException in

Subclasses of TcTssException in
 class TcTcsException
          This exception is thrown if an error at TCS level occurred.
 class TcTddlException
          This exception is thrown if an error at TDDL level occurred.
 class TcTpmException
          This exception is thrown if an error at TPM level occurred.
 class TcTssKmLoadFailed
          This exception is thrown by the persistent storage if a key could not be loaded (by UUID) because a required parent key is currently not loaded.

Uses of TcTssException in

Subclasses of TcTssException in
 class TcTspException
          This exception is thrown if an error at TSP level occurred.

Uses of TcTssException in

Methods in that throw TcTssException
 TcBlobData TcITpm.activateIdentity(TcIRsaKey identityKey, TcBlobData asymCaContentsBlob, TcBlobData symCaAttestationBlob)
          This method proofs the credential to be the credential of the identity key and returns the decrypted credential created by the Privacy CA for that identity.
 void TcIPolicy.assignToObject(TcIAuthObject obj)
          This method assigns an object (working object) like TPM object, key object, encrypted data object to a certain policy.
 TcTpmMigrationkeyAuth TcITpm.authorizeMigrationTicket(TcIRsaKey migrationKey, long migrationScheme)
          This method provides the migration ticket required for the migration process.
 void TcIEncData.bind(TcIRsaKey encKey, TcBlobData data)
          This method encrypts a data blob in a manner that can only be decrypted by TcIEncData.unbind(TcIRsaKey).
 TcTssValidation TcIRsaKey.certifyKey(TcIRsaKey certifyingKey, TcTssValidation validation)
          This method signs a public key inside the TPM using TcTssConstants.TSS_SS_RSASSAPKCS1V15_SHA1).
 TcTssValidation TcITpm.certifySelfTest(TcIRsaKey key, TcTssValidation validation)
          This method performs a self-test of each internal TPM function and returns an authenticated value (signature) if the test has passed.
 void TcIAuthObject.changeAuth(TcIAuthObject parentObject, TcIPolicy newPolicy)
          This method changes the authorization data (secret) of an entity (object) and assigns the object to the newPolicy object.
 void TcIAuthObject.changeAuthAsym(TcIAuthObject parentObject, TcIRsaKey identKey, TcIPolicy newPolicy)
          This method changes the authorization data (secret) of an entity (object) utilizing the asymmetric change protocol and assigns the object to the newPolicy object.
 TcTssValidation TcITpm.checkMaintenancePubKey(TcIRsaKey key, TcTssValidation validationData)
          This method proofs the maintenance public key.
 void TcITpm.clearOwner(boolean forcedClear)
          This method clears the TPM ownership.
 void TcIContext.closeContext()
          This method destroys the object associated with the object handle.
 void TcIContext.closeObject(TcIWorkingObject obj)
          This method is used to close a given object.
 void TcITpm.CMKApproveMA(TcIMigData maAuthData)
          This method creates an authorization ticket, to allow the TPM owner to specify which Migration Authorities they approve and allow users to create certified-migration-keys without further involvement with the TPM owner.
 void TcIRsaKey.CMKConvertMigration(TcIRsaKey parentKey, TcIMigData migrationData, TcBlobData random)
          This method completes the migration of a certified migration process.
 TcBlobData TcIRsaKey.CMKCreateBlob(TcIRsaKey parentKey, TcIMigData migrationData)
          This method implements the first step in the process of moving a certified-migrateable-key to a new parent platform.
 void TcITpm.CMKCreateTicket(TcIRsaKey verifyKey, TcIMigData sigData)
          This method uses a public key to verify the signature over a digest.
 void TcITpm.CMKSetRestrictions(long cmkDelegate)
          This method is used by the owner to globally dictate the usage of a certified migration key with delegated authorization.
 TcBlobData TcITpm.collateIdentityRequest(TcIRsaKey srk, TcIRsaKey caPubKey, TcBlobData identityLabel, TcIRsaKey identityKey, long algId)
          This method creates an identity key, binds it to the label and returns a certificate request package.
 void TcIContext.connect()
          This method tries to connect the context to the default host (localhost).
 void TcIContext.connect(java.lang.String hostname)
          This method tries to connect the context to a host running a TCS service.
 void TcIRsaKey.convertMigrationBlob(TcIRsaKey parent, TcBlobData random, TcBlobData migrationBlob)
          This method takes the migration blob built by Tspi_Key_CreateMigrationBlob using the migration scheme TSS_MS_MIGRATE and creates a normal wrapped key.
 java.lang.Object[] TcIMonotonicCtr.createCtr(TcBlobData label)
          This method creates the counter with the label provided.
 TcIEncData TcIContext.createEncDataObject(long initFlags)
          This method returns a new encdata object.
 TcTssValidation TcITpm.createEndorsementKey(TcIRsaKey key, TcTssValidation validationData)
          This method creates the endorsement key.
 TcIHash TcIContext.createHashObject(long initFlags)
          This method returns a new hash object.
 void TcIRsaKey.createKey(TcIRsaKey wrappingKey, TcIPcrComposite pcrComposite)
          This method creates a key pair within the TPM and wraps it with the key addressed by wrappingKey.
If the internal key structure is a 1.1 TPM key, the provided PcrComposite must be a TcTssConstants.TSS_PCRS_STRUCT_INFO.
 TcIMigData TcIContext.createMigDataObject(long initFlags)
          This method returns a new migdata object.
 TcBlobData[] TcIRsaKey.createMigrationBlob(TcIRsaKey parent, TcTpmMigrationkeyAuth migTicket)
          This method creates a migration blob of the key.
 TcIPcrComposite TcIContext.createPcrCompositeObject(long initFlags)
          This method returns a new PCR object.
 TcIPolicy TcIContext.createPolicyObject(long initFlags)
          This method returns a new policy object.
 java.lang.Object[] TcITpm.createRevocableEndorsementKey(TcIRsaKey key, TcTssValidation validationData, TcTpmNonce ekResetData)
          This method creates the revocable endorsement key.
 TcIRsaKey TcIContext.createRsaKeyObject(long initFlags)
          This method returns a new key object.
 void TcINvRam.defineSpace(TcTpmNvDataPublic pubData)
          This method establishes the space necessary for the NV store.
 TcBlobData TcITpm.dirRead(long dirIndex)
          This method reads a Data Integrity Register.
 void TcITpm.dirWrite(long dirIndex, TcBlobData dirData)
          This method writes a Data Integrity Register.
 void TcIPolicy.flushSecret()
          This method flushes a cached secret.
 void TcIContext.freeMemory(long cPtr)
          This method frees memory allocated by TSS Service Provider on a context base.
 TcBlobData TcIAttributes.getAttribData(long attribFlag, long subFlag)
          This method gets a non UINT32 attribute of the object (i.e.
 TcTssVersion TcIRsaKey.getAttribKeyInfoVersion()
          This method returns the version of the key.
 long TcIAttributes.getAttribUint32(long attribFlag, long subFlag)
          This method gets an UINT32 attribute of the object.
 TcTssUuid TcIRsaKey.getAttribUuid()
          This method returns the UUID of the key.
 TcBlobData TcIContext.getCapability(long capArea, TcBlobData subCap)
          This method provides the capabilities of the TSS Core Service or TSS Service Provider.
 TcBlobData TcITpm.getCapability(long capArea, TcBlobData subCap)
          This method provides the capabilities of the TPM.
 boolean TcIContext.getCapabilityBoolean(long capArea, TcBlobData subCap)
          This method provides the capabilities of the TSS Core Service or TSS Service Provider.
 boolean TcITpm.getCapabilityBoolean(long capArea, TcBlobData subCap)
          This method is an alternative to TcITpm.getCapability(long, TcBlobData).
 void TcITpm.getCapabilitySigned()
          The TPM function TPM_GetCapabilitySigned that actually performs this functions was found to contain a vulnerability that makes its security questionable therefore its use unadvised.
 long TcITpm.getCapabilityUINT32(long capArea, TcBlobData subCap)
          This method is an alternative to TcITpm.getCapability(long, TcBlobData).
 TcTssVersion TcIContext.getCapabilityVersion(long capArea, TcBlobData subCap)
          This method provides the capabilities of the TSS Core Service or TSS Service Provider.
 TcTssVersion TcITpm.getCapabilityVersion(long capArea, TcBlobData subCap)
          This method is an alternative to TcITpm.getCapability(long, TcBlobData).
 TcIPolicy TcIContext.getDefaultPolicy()
          This method provides the default policy object of the context.
 TcTssPcrEvent TcITpm.getEvent(long pcrIndex, long eventNumber)
          This method provides a PCR event for a given PCR index and event number.
 int TcITpm.getEventCount(long pcrIndex)
          This method is similar to the getEvents method.
 TcTssPcrEvent[] TcITpm.getEventLog()
          This method provides the whole event log.
 TcTssPcrEvent[] TcITpm.getEvents(long pcrIndex, long startNumber, long eventNumber)
          This method provides a specific number of PCR events for a given index.
 TcBlobData TcIHash.getHashValue()
          This method returns the hash value of the hash object.
 TcIRsaKey TcIContext.getKeyByPublicInfo(long stypeKey, long algId, TcBlobData publicInfo)
          This method searches the persistent storage for a registered key using the provided public key information and creates a key object initialized according to the found data.
 TcIRsaKey TcIContext.getKeyByUuid(long stypeKey, TcTssUuid uuidKey)
          This method searches the persistent storage for a registered key using the provided UUID and creates a key object initialized according to the found data.
 TcIPolicy TcIRsaKey.getMigrationPolicyObject()
          This method returns a policy object representing the migration policy currently assigned to the object.
 TcIMonotonicCtr TcIContext.getMonotonicCounters(long nvIndex)
          This method is used to obtain a Monotonic Counter object that allows interaction with the TPM's counters.
 TcINvRam TcIContext.getNvRamObject(long nvIndex)
          This method is used to obtain a NV RAM object that allows interaction with the TPM's NV RAM.
 TcBlobData TcIPcrComposite.getPcrCompositeHash()
          This method gets the digestAtRelease from the PCR composite object using a 1.2 TcTpmPcrInfoLong or TcTpmPcrInfoShort structure.
 long TcIPcrComposite.getPcrLocality()
          This method gets the LocalityAtRelease from the PCR composite object using a 1.2 TcTpmPcrInfoLong or TcTpmPcrInfoShort structure.
 TcBlobData TcIPcrComposite.getPcrValue(long pcrIndex)
          This method returns the digest value of a given PCR index inside a PCR composite object.
 TcIPolicy TcIAuthObject.getPolicyObject(long policyType)
          This method returns the policy object currently assigned to a working object.
 java.lang.Object[] TcITpm.getPubEndorsementKey(boolean ownerAuthorized, TcTssValidation validataionData)
          This method returns the public endorsement key.
 TcIRsaKey TcITpm.getPubEndorsementKeyOwner()
          This method returns the public endorsement key.
 TcBlobData TcIRsaKey.getPubKey()
          This method returns the public key of the key object.
 TcBlobData TcITpm.getRandom(long length)
          This method returns random data obtained from the TPM via the TSS.
 TcTssKmKeyinfo[] TcIContext.getRegisteredKeysByUuid(TcTssUuid uuid, long storage)
          This method gets an array of key info objects.
 TcTssKmKeyinfo[] TcIContext.getRegisteredKeysByUuidSystem(TcTssUuid uuid)
          This method is a wrapper for the getRegisteredKeysByUuid method.
 TcTssKmKeyinfo[] TcIContext.getRegisteredKeysByUuidUser(TcTssUuid uuid)
          This method is a wrapper for the getRegisteredKeysByUuid method.
 boolean TcITpm.getStatus(long statusFlag)
          This method returns the TPM status.
 TcBlobData TcITpm.getTestResult()
          This method provides manufacturer specific information regarding the results of the self test.
 TcITpm TcIContext.getTpmObject()
          This method is used to obtain a TPM object that allows interaction with the system's TPM.
 TcIPolicy TcIAuthObject.getUsagePolicyObject()
          This method returns a policy object representing the usage policy currently assigned to the object.
 java.lang.Object TcIMonotonicCtr.incrementCtr()
          This method increments a previously defined counter.
 void TcITpm.killMaintenanceFeature()
          This method disables the functionality of creating a maintenance archive.
 void TcIRsaKey.loadKey(TcIRsaKey unwrappingKey)
          This method loads the key blob into the TPM.
 TcIRsaKey TcIContext.loadKeyByBlob(TcIRsaKey unwrappingKey, TcBlobData blob)
          This method creates a key object based on the information got by the key blob and loads the key into the TPM which unwraps the key blob utilizing the key addressed by unwrappingKey.
 TcIRsaKey TcIContext.loadKeyByUuidFromSystem(TcTssUuid uuid)
          Deprecated. Use the getRegisteredKeysByUuid method with TSS_PS_TYPE_SYSTEM as parameter instead.
 TcIRsaKey TcIContext.loadKeyByUuidFromUser(TcTssUuid uuid)
          Deprecated. Use the getRegisteredKeysByUuid method with TSS_PS_TYPE_USER as parameter instead.
 TcTssValidation TcITpm.loadMaintenancePubKey(TcIRsaKey key, TcTssValidation validationData)
          This method loads the public maintenance key into the TPM.
 void TcIRsaKey.migrateKey(TcIRsaKey publicKey, TcIRsaKey migData)
          This method decrypts with assistance of the TPM the input package (e.g.
 TcIContext TcTssContextFactory.newContextObject()
abstract  TcIContext TcTssAbstractFactory.newContextObject()
          This method returns a new instance of the context class of the specific implementation.
 TcIRsaKey TcITpm.OwnerGetSRKPubKey()
          This method returns the public part of the SRK.
 TcBlobData TcITpm.pcrExtend(long pcrIndex, TcBlobData data, TcTssPcrEvent pcrEvent)
          This method extends a PCR register and writes the PCR event log.
 TcBlobData TcITpm.pcrRead(long pcrIndex)
          This methods reads a PCR register.
 void TcITpm.pcrReset(TcIPcrComposite pcrComposite)
          This methods resets a PCR register.
 TcTssValidation TcITpm.quote(TcIRsaKey identKey, TcIPcrComposite pcrComposite, TcTssValidation validation)
          This method quotes a TCG system.
 java.lang.Object[] TcITpm.quote2(TcIRsaKey identKey, boolean addVersion, TcIPcrComposite pcrComposite, TcTssValidation validation)
          This method quotes a TCG system using TPM_Quote2 which provides the requestor a more complete view of the current platform configuration than TPM_Quote.
 long TcIMonotonicCtr.readCtr()
          This method reads the counter value.
 TcTpmCounterValue TcITpm.readCurrentCounter()
          This method reads the current value of the current active counter register.
 TcTpmCurrentTicks TcITpm.readCurrentTicks()
          This method reads the current tick out of the TPM.
 TcBlobData TcINvRam.readValue(long offset, long dataLength)
          This method reads the data from the defined area.
 void TcIContext.registerKey(TcIRsaKey key, long stypeKey, TcTssUuid uuidKey, long stypeParentKey, TcTssUuid uuidParent)
          This method registers a key in the TSS Persistent Storage database.
 void TcIMonotonicCtr.releaseCtr()
          This method releases the counter.
 void TcINvRam.releaseSpace()
          This method releases the space associated with the NV store instance.
 void TcITpm.revokeEndorsementKey(TcTpmNonce ekResetData)
          This method clears the TPM revocable endorsement key pair.
 void TcIEncData.seal(TcIRsaKey encKey, TcBlobData data, TcIPcrComposite pcrComposite)
          This method encrypts a data blob in a manner that can only be decrypted by unseal on the same system.
 void TcIPcrComposite.selectPcrIndex(long pcrIndex)
          This method selects a PCR index inside a PCR composite object using the 1.1 TcTpmPcrInfo structure.
 void TcIPcrComposite.selectPcrIndexEx(long pcrIndex, long direction)
          This method selects a PCR index inside a PCR composite object containing a TcTpmPcrInfoLong or TcTpmPcrInfoShort structure.
 void TcITpm.selfTestFull()
          This method performs a self-test of each internal TPM function.
 void TcIAttributes.setAttribData(long attribFlag, long subFlag, TcBlobData attrib)
          This method sets a non UINT32 attribute (i.e.
 void TcIAttributes.setAttribUint32(long attribFlag, long subFlag, long attrib)
          This method sets an UINT32 attribute of the object.
 void TcIRsaKey.setAttribUuid(TcTssUuid uuid)
          This method sets the UUID of the key.
 void TcIHash.setHashValue(TcBlobData hashValue)
          This method sets the hash value of the hash object.
 void TcITpm.setOperatorAuth(TcIPolicy operatorPolicy)
          This function sets the operator authorization value in the TPM.
 void TcIPcrComposite.setPcrLocality(long localityValue)
          This method sets the LocalityAtRelease inside the PCR composite object using a 1.2 TcTpmPcrInfoLong or TcTpmPcrInfoShort structure.
 void TcIPcrComposite.setPcrValue(long pcrIndex, TcBlobData pcrValue)
          This method sets the digest for a given PCR index inside the PCR composite object.
An example for the usage is the preparation of a PCR composite object before calling TcIRsaKey.createKey(TcIRsaKey, TcIPcrComposite).
 void TcIPolicy.setSecret(long secretMode, TcBlobData secret)
          This method sets the authorization data of a policy object and defines the handling of its retrieval.
 void TcITpm.setStatus(long statusFlag, boolean tpmState)
          This method modifies the TPM status.
 TcBlobData TcIHash.sign(TcIRsaKey key)
          This method signs the hash data of the object with the provided signing key.
 void TcITpm.stirRandom(TcBlobData entropyData)
          This method adds entropy to the TPM Random Number Generator.
 void TcITpm.takeOwnership(TcIRsaKey srk, TcIRsaKey pubEk)
          This method takes ownership of the TPM.
 java.lang.Object[] TcIHash.tickStampBlob(TcIRsaKey key, TcTssValidation validationData)
          This method is similar to a time stamp: it associates a tick value with a blob, indicating that the blob existed at some point earlier than the time corresponding to the tick value.
 TcBlobData TcIEncData.unbind(TcIRsaKey key)
          This method unbinds (decrypts) a previously bound (encrypted) data blob.
 void TcIRsaKey.unloadKey()
          This method unloads the key from the TPM.
 TcIRsaKey TcIContext.unregisterKey(long stypeKey, TcTssUuid uuidKey)
          This method unregisters a key from the persistent storage database.
 TcBlobData TcIEncData.unseal(TcIRsaKey key)
          This method reveals data encrypted by Tspi_Data_Seal only if it was encrypted on the same platform and the current configuration (as defined by the named PCR contents of the encrypted data blob) is the one named as qualified to decrypt it.
 void TcIHash.updateHashValue(TcBlobData data)
          This method updates the hash object with new data.
 void TcIHash.verifySignature(TcBlobData signature, TcIRsaKey key)
          This method verifies the hash value of the hash object with a given signature.
 void TcIRsaKey.wrapKey(TcIRsaKey wrappingKey, TcIPcrComposite pcrComposite)
          This method wraps a key (created externally) with the key addressed by wrappingKey.
 void TcINvRam.writeValue(long offset, TcBlobData dataToWrite)
          This method writes a given value to a previously defined area.

Uses of TcTssException in

Methods in that throw TcTssException
static TcBlobData TcCrypto.createAESkey(int keysize)
          This method calls the JCE to create a new AES key.

Uses of TcTssException in

Methods in that throw TcTssException
static TcTssKmKeyinfo[] TcTcsi.TcsiEnumRegisteredKeys(long hContext, TcTssUuid keyUuid)
          This method allows obtaining an array of TcTssKmKeyinfo structures.
static TcTssKmKeyinfo TcTcsi.TcsiGetRegisteredKey(long hContext, TcTssUuid keyUuid)
          This method allows obtaining a TcTssKmKeyinfo structure containing information about the registered key.
static TcBlobData TcTcsi.TcsiGetRegisteredKeyBlob(long hContext, TcTssUuid keyUuid)
          This method returns the key blob (either TcTpmKey or TcTpmKey12) of the key with the given UUID.
static TcBlobData TcTcsi.TcsiGetRegisteredKeyByPublicInfo(long hContext, long algId, TcBlobData publicInfo)
          This method returns the key blob specified by the publicInfo parameter.
static long TcTcsi.TcsipLoadKeyByUuid(long hContext, TcTssUuid keyUuid, TcTcsLoadkeyInfo loadKeyInfo)
static void TcTcsi.TcsiRegisterKey(long hContext, TcTssUuid wrappingKeyUuid, TcTssUuid keyUuid, TcBlobData key, TcBlobData vendorData)
          Tcsi_RegisterKey allows registering a key in the TCS Persistent Storage (PS).
static void TcTcsi.TcsiUnregisterKey(long hContext, TcTssUuid keyUuid)
          A key once registered in the TCS PS can be unregistered from the PS, if that key is not required any longer.

Uses of TcTssException in

Methods in that throw TcTssException
 TcBlobData TcTpm.activateIdentity(TcIRsaKey identityKey, TcBlobData asymCaContentsBlob, TcBlobData symCaAttestationBlob)
          For general information about this method refer to TcITpm.activateIdentity(TcIRsaKey, TcBlobData, TcBlobData).
 void TcPolicy.assignToObject(TcIAuthObject obj)
 TcTpmMigrationkeyAuth TcTpm.authorizeMigrationTicket(TcIRsaKey migrationKey, long migrationScheme)
 void TcEncData.bind(TcIRsaKey encKey, TcBlobData data)
 TcTssValidation TcRsaKey.certifyKey(TcIRsaKey certifyingKey, TcTssValidation validation)
 TcTssValidation TcTpm.certifySelfTest(TcIRsaKey key, TcTssValidation validation)
 void TcRsaKey.changeAuth(TcIAuthObject parentObject, TcIPolicy newPolicy)
 void TcTpm.changeAuth(TcIAuthObject parentObject, TcIPolicy newPolicy)
 void TcEncData.changeAuth(TcIAuthObject parentObject, TcIPolicy newPolicy)
 void TcMonotonicCtr.changeAuth(TcIAuthObject parentObject, TcIPolicy newPolicy)
 void TcNvRam.changeAuth(TcIAuthObject parentObject, TcIPolicy newPolicy)
 void TcAuthObject.changeAuthAsym(TcIAuthObject parentObject, TcIRsaKey identKey, TcIPolicy newPolicy)
 TcTssValidation TcTpm.checkMaintenancePubKey(TcIRsaKey key, TcTssValidation validationData)
 void TcTpm.clearOwner(boolean forcedClear)
 void TcContext.closeContext()
 void TcContext.closeObject(TcIWorkingObject obj)
 void TcTpm.CMKApproveMA(TcIMigData maAuthData)
 void TcRsaKey.CMKConvertMigration(TcIRsaKey parentKey, TcIMigData migrationData, TcBlobData random)
 TcBlobData TcRsaKey.CMKCreateBlob(TcIRsaKey parentKey, TcIMigData migrationData)
 void TcTpm.CMKCreateTicket(TcIRsaKey verifyKey, TcIMigData sigData)
 void TcTpm.CMKSetRestrictions(long cmkDelegate)
 TcBlobData TcTpm.collateIdentityRequest(TcIRsaKey srk, TcIRsaKey caPubKeyRsa, TcBlobData identityLabel, TcIRsaKey identityKey, long algId)
          Implementation specific notes: This implementation only supports AES for symmetric encryption.
 void TcContext.connect()
 void TcContext.connect(java.lang.String hostname)
 void TcRsaKey.convertMigrationBlob(TcIRsaKey parent, TcBlobData random, TcBlobData migrationBlob)
 java.lang.Object[] TcMonotonicCtr.createCtr(TcBlobData label)
 TcIEncData TcContext.createEncDataObject(long initFlags)
 TcTssValidation TcTpm.createEndorsementKey(TcIRsaKey key, TcTssValidation validationData)
 TcIHash TcContext.createHashObject(long initFlags)
 void TcRsaKey.createKey(TcIRsaKey wrappingKey, TcIPcrComposite pcrComposite)
 TcIMigData TcContext.createMigDataObject(long initFlags)
 TcBlobData[] TcRsaKey.createMigrationBlob(TcIRsaKey parent, TcTpmMigrationkeyAuth migTicket)
 TcIPcrComposite TcContext.createPcrCompositeObject(long initFlags)
 TcIPolicy TcContext.createPolicyObject(long initFlags)
 java.lang.Object[] TcTpm.createRevocableEndorsementKey(TcIRsaKey key, TcTssValidation validationData, TcTpmNonce ekResetData)
 TcIRsaKey TcContext.createRsaKeyObject(long initFlags)
          For general details on this method please refer to TcIContext.createRsaKeyObject(long).
 void TcNvRam.defineSpace(TcTpmNvDataPublic pubData)
 TcBlobData TcTpm.dirRead(long dirIndex)
 void TcTpm.dirWrite(long dirIndex, TcBlobData dirData)
 void TcPolicy.flushSecret()
 void TcContext.freeMemory(long cPtr)
 TcBlobData TcTpm.getAttribCallback(long subFlag)
          Not yet supported.
 TcBlobData TcPolicy.getAttribCallback(long subFlag)
          Not yet supported.
 long TcTpm.getAttribCallbackUINT32(long subFlag)
          The sole purpose of this method is to notify callers that TSS 1.1 style callback functions are not supported.
 long TcPolicy.getAttribCallbackUINT32(long subFlag)
          The sole purpose of this method is to notify callers that TSS 1.1 style callback functions are not supported.
 TcBlobData TcRsaKey.getAttribCmkInfo(long subFlag)
          This method returns CMK information as defined for TcTssConstants.TSS_TSPATTRIB_KEY_CMKINFO.
 long TcContext.getAttribConnectionVersion(long subFlag)
          This method returns the connection version.
 TcBlobData TcAttributes.getAttribData(long attribFlag, long subFlag)
 TcBlobData TcPolicy.getAttribDelegationInfo(long subFlag)
          Not yet supported.
 long TcPolicy.getAttribDelegationInfoUINT32(long subFlag)
          Not yet supported.
 TcBlobData TcPolicy.getAttribDelegationPcr(long subFlag)
          Not yet supported.
 long TcPolicy.getAttribDelegationPcrUINT32(long subFlag)
          Not yet supported.
 long TcContext.getAttribHashMode(long subFlag)
          This method returns if secrets obtained via popups are hashed with or without null termination.
 TcBlobData TcRsaKey.getAttribKeyBlob(long subFlag)
          This method returns key blobs as defined for TcTssConstants.TSS_TSPATTRIB_KEY_BLOB.
 TcBlobData TcRsaKey.getAttribKeyInfo(long subFlag)
          This method returns key version information as defined for TcTssConstants.TSS_TSPATTRIB_KEY_INFO.
 long TcRsaKey.getAttribKeyInfoUINT32(long subFlag)
          This method returns information about the key.
 TcTssVersion TcRsaKey.getAttribKeyInfoVersion()
 TcBlobData TcRsaKey.getAttribKeyPcr(long subFlag)
          This method returns PCR_INFO information as defined for TcTssConstants.TSS_TSPATTRIB_KEY_PCR.
 TcBlobData TcRsaKey.getAttribKeyPcrLong(long subFlag)
          This method returns PCR_LONG information as defined for TcTssConstants.TSS_TSPATTRIB_KEY_PCR_LONG.
 long TcRsaKey.getAttribKeyPcrLongUINT32(long subFlag)
          This method returns locality information as defined for TcTssConstants.TSS_TSPATTRIB_KEY_PCR_LONG.
 TcBlobData TcContext.getAttribMachineName(long subFlag)
          This method returns the machines host name.
 long TcPcrCompositeBase.getAttribPcrStruct(long subFlag)
          This method is used to get PCR composite attributes.
 TcBlobData TcPolicy.getAttribPopupString(long subFlag)
          This method is a shortcut for calling TcIAttributes.getAttribData(long, long) with TcTssConstants.TSS_TSPATTRIB_POLICY_POPUPSTRING as flag.
 TcBlobData TcRsaKey.getAttribRsaKeyInfo(long subFlag)
          This method returns RSA key information as defined for TcTssConstants.TSS_TSPATTRIB_RSAKEY_INFO.
 long TcRsaKey.getAttribRsaKeyInfoUINT32(long subFlag)
          This method returns RSA key information as defined for TcTssConstants.TSS_TSPATTRIB_RSAKEY_INFO.
 long TcPolicy.getAttribSecretHashMode(long subFlag)
          This method is a shortcut for calling TcIAttributes.setAttribUint32(long, long, long) with TcTssConstants.TSS_TSPATTRIB_SECRET_HASH_MODE as flag.
 long TcPolicy.getAttribSecretLifetime(long subFlag)
          This method is a shortcut for calling TcIAttributes.getAttribUint32(long, long) with TcTssConstants.TSS_TSPATTRIB_POLICY_SECRET_LIFETIME as flag.
 long TcContext.getAttribSilentMode(long subFlag)
          This method returns the silent mode setting of the context.
 long TcAttributes.getAttribUint32(long attribFlag, long subFlag)
 TcTssUuid TcRsaKey.getAttribUuid()
 long TcContext.getAttribVersionMode(long subFlag)
          This method returns the version mode setting of the context.
 TcBlobData TcContext.getCapability(long capArea, TcBlobData subCap)
 TcBlobData TcTpm.getCapability(long capArea, TcBlobData subCap)
 boolean TcContext.getCapabilityBoolean(long capArea, TcBlobData subCap)
 boolean TcTpm.getCapabilityBoolean(long capArea, TcBlobData subCap)
 void TcTpm.getCapabilitySigned()
 long TcTpm.getCapabilityUINT32(long capArea, TcBlobData subCap)
 TcTssVersion TcContext.getCapabilityVersion(long capArea, TcBlobData subCap)
 TcTssVersion TcTpm.getCapabilityVersion(long capArea, TcBlobData subCap)
 java.lang.Object[] TcTpm.getCredentials()
          This method is a TSP level front end to the TCS getCredentials method.
 TcIPolicy TcContext.getDefaultPolicy()
          Note: The default policy object is returned by reference.
 TcTssPcrEvent TcTpm.getEvent(long pcrIndex, long eventNumber)
 int TcTpm.getEventCount(long pcrIndex)
 TcTssPcrEvent[] TcTpm.getEventLog()
 TcTssPcrEvent[] TcTpm.getEvents(long pcrIndex, long startNumber, long eventNumber)
 TcBlobData TcHash.getHashValue()
 TcIRsaKey TcContext.getKeyByPublicInfo(long stypeKey, long algId, TcBlobData publicInfo)
 TcIRsaKey TcContext.getKeyByUuid(long stypeKey, TcTssUuid uuidKey)
 TcIPolicy TcRsaKey.getMigrationPolicyObject()
          This method returns a policy object representing the migration policy currently assigned to the object.
 TcIMonotonicCtr TcContext.getMonotonicCounters(long handle)
 TcINvRam TcContext.getNvRamObject(long nvIndex)
 TcIPolicy TcTpm.getOperatorPolicyObject()
          This method returns a policy object representing the operator policy currently assigned to the object.
 TcBlobData TcPcrCompositeInfo.getPcrCompositeHash()
 TcBlobData TcPcrCompositeInfoShort.getPcrCompositeHash()
 TcBlobData TcPcrCompositeInfoLong.getPcrCompositeHash()
 long TcPcrCompositeInfo.getPcrLocality()
 long TcPcrCompositeInfoShort.getPcrLocality()
 long TcPcrCompositeInfoLong.getPcrLocality()
 TcBlobData TcPcrCompositeBase.getPcrValue(long pcrIndex)
 TcIPolicy TcAuthObject.getPolicyObject(long policyType)
          Note: Policy objects are returned by reference.
 TcIPolicy TcRsaKey.getPolicyObject(long policyType)
 TcIPolicy TcTpm.getPolicyObject(long policyType)
 java.lang.Object[] TcTpm.getPubEndorsementKey(boolean ownerAuthorized, TcTssValidation validationData)
 TcIRsaKey TcTpm.getPubEndorsementKeyOwner()
 TcBlobData TcRsaKey.getPubKey()
 TcBlobData TcTpm.getRandom(long length)
 TcTssVersion TcTpm.getRealTpmVersion()
          This internal method returns the TPM version as reported by using TcTssConstants.TSS_TPMCAP_VERSION_VAL for 1.2 chips and TcTssConstants.TSS_TPMCAP_VERSION for 1.1 chips.
 TcTssKmKeyinfo[] TcContext.getRegisteredKeysByUuid(TcTssUuid uuid, long storage)
 TcTssKmKeyinfo[] TcContext.getRegisteredKeysByUuidSystem(TcTssUuid uuid)
 TcTssKmKeyinfo[] TcContext.getRegisteredKeysByUuidUser(TcTssUuid uuid)
 boolean TcTpm.getStatus(long statusFlag)
 long TcContext.getTcsContextHandle()
          This method returns the handle of the corresponding TCS context.
 TcBlobData TcTpm.getTestResult()
 TcITpm TcContext.getTpmObject()
 TcIPolicy TcAuthObject.getUsagePolicyObject()
          Note: Policy objects are returned by reference.
 java.lang.Object TcMonotonicCtr.incrementCtr()
          This method increments a previously defined counter.
 boolean TcTpm.isOrdinalSupported(long ordinal)
          This method allows developers to check if a given command ordinal is supported by the TPM the context is connected to.
 void TcTpm.killMaintenanceFeature()
 void TcRsaKey.loadKey(TcIRsaKey unwrappingKey)
 TcIRsaKey TcContext.loadKeyByBlob(TcIRsaKey unwrappingKey, TcBlobData blob)
 TcIRsaKey TcContext.loadKeyByUuidFromSystem(TcTssUuid uuid)
 TcIRsaKey TcContext.loadKeyByUuidFromUser(TcTssUuid uuid)
 TcTssValidation TcTpm.loadMaintenancePubKey(TcIRsaKey key, TcTssValidation validationData)
 void TcRsaKey.migrateKey(TcIRsaKey publicKey, TcIRsaKey migData)
 TcIContext TcTssLocalCallFactory.newContextObject()
 TcIContext TcTssSOAPCallFactory.newContextObject()
 TcIRsaKey TcTpm.OwnerGetSRKPubKey()
 TcBlobData TcTpm.pcrExtend(long pcrIndex, TcBlobData data, TcTssPcrEvent pcrEvent)
 TcBlobData TcTpm.pcrRead(long pcrIndex)
 void TcTpm.pcrReset(TcIPcrComposite pcrComposite)
 TcTssValidation TcTpm.quote(TcIRsaKey identKey, TcIPcrComposite pcrComposite, TcTssValidation validation)
 java.lang.Object[] TcTpm.quote2(TcIRsaKey identKey, boolean addVersion, TcIPcrComposite pcrComposite, TcTssValidation validation)
 long TcMonotonicCtr.readCtr()
          This method reads the counter value.
 TcTpmCounterValue TcTpm.readCurrentCounter()
 TcTpmCurrentTicks TcTpm.readCurrentTicks()
 TcBlobData TcTpm.readEkCertIfx11()
          This method is VENDOR SPECIFIC for Infineon 1.1 TPMs.
 TcBlobData TcNvRam.readValue(long offset, long dataLength)
 void TcContext.registerKey(TcIRsaKey key, long stypeKey, TcTssUuid uuidKey, long stypeParentKey, TcTssUuid uuidParent)
 void TcMonotonicCtr.releaseCtr()
          This method releases the counter.
 void TcNvRam.releaseSpace()
 void TcTpm.revokeEndorsementKey(TcTpmNonce ekResetData)
 void TcEncData.seal(TcIRsaKey encKey, TcBlobData data, TcIPcrComposite pcrComposite)
 void TcPcrCompositeInfo.selectPcrIndex(long pcrIndex)
 void TcPcrCompositeInfoShort.selectPcrIndex(long pcrIndex)
 void TcPcrCompositeInfoLong.selectPcrIndex(long pcrIndex)
 void TcPcrCompositeInfo.selectPcrIndexEx(long pcrIndex, long direction)
 void TcPcrCompositeInfoShort.selectPcrIndexEx(long pcrIndex, long direction)
 void TcPcrCompositeInfoLong.selectPcrIndexEx(long pcrIndex, long direction)
 void TcTpm.selfTestFull()
 void TcHash.setAttribAlgIdentifier(long subFlag, TcBlobData data)
          This method sets the hash algorithm identifier if the init flags TcTssConstants.TSS_HASH_OTHER was provided upon object creation.
 void TcTpm.setAttribCallback(long subFlag, TcBlobData attrib)
          Not yet supported.
 void TcPolicy.setAttribCallback(long subFlag, TcBlobData attrib)
          Not yet supported.
 void TcTpm.setAttribCallbackUINT32(long subFlag, long attrib)
          The sole purpose of this method is to notify callers that TSS 1.1 style callback functions are not supported.
 void TcPolicy.setAttribCallbackUINT32(long subFlag, long attrib)
          The sole purpose of this method is to notify callers that TSS 1.1 style callback functions are not supported.
 void TcRsaKey.setAttribCmkInfo(long subFlag, TcBlobData attrib)
          This method sets CMK information as defined for TcTssConstants.TSS_TSPATTRIB_KEY_CMKINFO.
 void TcTpm.setAttribCredential(long subFlag, TcBlobData credential)
          This method can be used to set credentials (EK, Platform, ...) that should be used in the collateIdentity method.
 void TcAttributes.setAttribData(long attribFlag, long subFlag, TcBlobData attrib)
 void TcPolicy.setAttribDelegationInfo(long subFlag, TcBlobData attrib)
          Not yet supported.
 void TcPolicy.setAttribDelegationInfoUINT32(long subFlag, long attrib)
          Not yet supported.
 void TcPolicy.setAttribDelegationPcr(long subFlag, TcBlobData attrib)
          Not yet supported.
 void TcPolicy.setAttribDelegationPcrUINT32(long subFlag, long attrib)
          Not yet supported.
 void TcContext.setAttribHashMode(long subflag, long attrib)
          This method is used to specify if passwords obtained via popups should be hashed with or without null termination.
 void TcRsaKey.setAttribKeyBlob(long subFlag, TcBlobData attrib)
          This method sets RSA key information as defined for TcTssConstants.TSS_TSPATTRIB_KEY_BLOB.
 void TcRsaKey.setAttribKeyInfo(long subFlag, long attrib)
          This method sets key information as defined for TcTssConstants.TSS_TSPATTRIB_KEY_INFO.
 void TcPcrCompositeBase.setAttribPcrStruct(long subFlag, long attrib)
          This method is used to set PCR composite attributes.
 void TcPolicy.setAttribPopupString(long subFlag, TcBlobData attrib)
          This method is a shortcut for calling TcIAttributes.setAttribData(long, long, TcBlobData) with TcTssConstants.TSS_TSPATTRIB_POLICY_POPUPSTRING as flag.
 void TcRsaKey.setAttribRsaKeyInfo(long subFlag, TcBlobData attrib)
          This method sets RSA key information as defined for TcTssConstants.TSS_TSPATTRIB_RSAKEY_INFO.
 void TcRsaKey.setAttribRsaKeyInfoUINT32(long subFlag, long attrib)
          This method sets RSA key information as defined for TcTssConstants.TSS_TSPATTRIB_RSAKEY_INFO.
 void TcPolicy.setAttribSecretHashMode(long subFlag, long attrib)
          This method is a shortcut for calling TcIAttributes.setAttribUint32(long, long, long) with TcTssConstants.TSS_TSPATTRIB_SECRET_HASH_MODE as flag.
 void TcPolicy.setAttribSecretLifetime(long subFlag, long attrib)
          This method is a shortcut for calling TcIAttributes.setAttribUint32(long, long, long) with TcTssConstants.TSS_TSPATTRIB_POLICY_SECRET_LIFETIME as flag.
 void TcContext.setAttribSilentMode(long subflag, long attrib)
          This method is used to specify if GUI popups for entering passwords should be displayed or not.
 void TcAttributes.setAttribUint32(long attribFlag, long subFlag, long attrib)
 void TcRsaKey.setAttribUuid(TcTssUuid uuid)
 void TcContext.setAttribVersionMode(long subflag, long attrib)
          This method is used to specify if 1.1 or 1.2.
 void TcHash.setHashValue(TcBlobData hashValue)
 void TcTpm.setOperatorAuth(TcIPolicy operatorPolicy)
 void TcPcrCompositeInfo.setPcrLocality(long localityValue)
 void TcPcrCompositeInfoShort.setPcrLocality(long localityValue)
 void TcPcrCompositeInfoLong.setPcrLocality(long localityValue)
 void TcPcrCompositeInfo.setPcrValue(long pcrIndex, TcBlobData pcrValue)
 void TcPcrCompositeInfoShort.setPcrValue(long pcrIndex, TcBlobData pcrValue)
 void TcPcrCompositeInfoLong.setPcrValue(long pcrIndex, TcBlobData pcrValue)
 void TcPolicy.setSecret(long secretMode, TcBlobData secret)
 void TcTpm.setStatus(long statusFlag, boolean tpmState)
 TcBlobData TcHash.sign(TcIRsaKey key)
 void TcTpm.stirRandom(TcBlobData entropyData)
 void TcTpm.takeOwnership(TcIRsaKey srk, TcIRsaKey pubEk)
 java.lang.Object[] TcHash.tickStampBlob(TcIRsaKey key, TcTssValidation validationData)
          Time stamps a hash blog
 TcBlobData TcEncData.unbind(TcIRsaKey key)
 void TcRsaKey.unloadKey()
 TcIRsaKey TcContext.unregisterKey(long stypeKey, TcTssUuid uuidKey)
 TcBlobData TcEncData.unseal(TcIRsaKey key)
 void TcHash.updateHashValue(TcBlobData data)
 void TcHash.verifySignature(TcBlobData signature, TcIRsaKey key)
 void TcRsaKey.wrapKey(TcIRsaKey wrappingKey, TcIPcrComposite pcrComposite)
 void TcNvRam.writeValue(long offset, TcBlobData dataToWrite)

Constructors in that throw TcTssException
TcPcrCompositeInfo(int numPCRs)
          Offline creation of struct
TcPcrCompositeInfo(TcIContext context)
TcPcrCompositeInfoLong(int numPCRs)
          For offline creation of struct
TcPcrCompositeInfoShort(int numPCRs)

Uses of TcTssException in

Methods in that throw TcTssException
 TcTcsAuth TcTspInternal.FieldUpgrade(TcContext context, TcBlobData inData, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This command is vendor specific.
static void TcTspInternal.TcsipEvictKey(TcContext context, long keyHandle)
          This method allows to flush a key from the key cache.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspActivateIdentity_Internal(TcContext context, long idKeyHandle, TcBlobData blob, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTcsAuth inAuth2, TcTpmSecret idKeyAuth, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          The purpose of this method is twofold: The first purpose is to obtain assurance that the credential in the TPM_SYM_CA_ATTESTATION is for this TPM.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspAuthorizeMigrationKey_Internal(TcContext context, int migrationScheme, TcTpmPubkey migrationKey, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This method creates an authorization blob to allow the TPM owner to specify which migration facility they will use and allow users to migrate information without further involvement with the TPM owner.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspCertifyKey_Internal(TcContext context, long certHandle, long keyHandle, TcTpmNonce antiReplay, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTcsAuth inAuth2, TcTpmSecret certAuth, TcTpmSecret keyAuth)
          This method allows a key to certify the public portion of certain storage and signing keys.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspCertifyKey2_Internal(TcContext context, long certHandle, long keyHandle, TcTpmDigest migrationPubDigest, TcTpmNonce antiReplay, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTcsAuth inAuth2, TcTpmSecret keyAuth, TcTpmSecret certAuth)
          This method allows a key to certify the public portion of certifiable migratable storage and signing keys.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspChangeAuth_Internal(TcContext context, long parentHandle, int protocolID, TcTpmEncauth newAuth, int entityType, TcBlobData encData, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTcsAuth inAuth2, TcTpmSecret parentAuth, TcTpmSecret entityAuth, TcTpmSecret entityAuthVal)
          This method allows the owner of an entity to change the authorization data for the entity.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspChangeAuthAsymFinish_Internal(TcContext context, long parentHandle, long ephHandle, int entityType, TcTpmDigest newAuthLink, TcBlobData encNewAuth, TcBlobData encData, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret privAuth)
          This method completes the process of changing authorization for an entity.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspChangeAuthAsymStart_Internal(TcContext context, long idHandle, TcTpmNonce antiReplay, TcTpmKeyParms tempKey, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret idAuth)
          This method starts the process of changing authorization for an entity.
static TcTcsAuth TcTspInternal.TspChangeAuthOwner_Internal(TcContext context, int protocolID, TcTpmEncauth newAuth, int entityType, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This method allows the owner of an entity to change the authorization data fro the TPM owner or the SRK.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspCMK_CreateTicket_Internal(TcContext context, TcTpmPubkey verificationKey, TcTpmDigest signedData, TcBlobData signatureValue, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret pubAuth)
          This owner controlled command uses a public key to verify the signature over a digest.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspCmkApproveMA_Internal(TcContext context, TcTpmDigest migrationAuthorityDigest, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This command is used to create an authorization ticket, to allow the TPM owner to specify/select one or more migration authorities they approve and allow user to generate CMKs without further involvement of the owner.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspCmkConvertMigration_Internal(TcContext context, long parentHandle, TcTpmCmkAuth restrictTicket, TcTpmDigest sigTicket, TcTpmKey12 migratedKey, TcTpmMsaComposite msaList, TcBlobData random, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret parentAuth)
          This command is used as the final step to finish migrating a key to a new TPM.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspCmkCreateBlob_Internal(TcContext context, long parentHandle, int migrationType, TcTpmMigrationkeyAuth migrationKeyAuth, TcTpmDigest pubSourceKeyDigest, TcTpmMsaComposite msaList, TcBlobData restrictTicket, TcBlobData sigTicket, TcBlobData encData, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret parentAuth)
          This command is similar to TcspiCreateMigrationBlob, except that it uses migration authority data whose migration data are independent from tpmProof.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspCmkCreateKey_Internal(TcContext context, long parentHandle, TcTpmEncauth dataUsageAuth, TcTpmKey12 keyInfo, TcTpmDigest migrationAuthorityApproval, TcTpmDigest migrationAuthorityDigest, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret pubAuth)
          This command both generates and creates a secure storage bundle for asymmetric keys whose migration is controlled/restricted by a migration authority.
static TcTcsAuth TcTspInternal.TspCmkSetRestrictions_Internal(TcContext context, long restriction, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This command is used by the owner to order the usage of a CMK with delegated authorization.
static void TcTspInternal.TspContextClose_Internal(TcContext context)
static void TcTspInternal.TspContextConnect_Internal(TcContext context, java.lang.String hostname)
static TcBlobData TcTspInternal.TspContextGetCapability_Internal(TcContext context, long capArea, TcBlobData subCap)
static long TcTspInternal.TspContextOpen_Internal(TcContext context)
static void TcTspInternal.TspContinueSelfTest_Internal(TcContext context)
          This method informs the TPM that it may complete the self test of all TPM functions.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspConvertMigrationBlob_Internal(TcContext context, long parentHandle, TcBlobData inData, TcBlobData random, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret parentAuth)
          This method takes a migration blob and creates a normal wrapped blob.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspCreateCounter_Internal(TcContext context, TcTpmEncauth encAuth, TcBlobData label, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This method creates a new counter in the TPM.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspCreateEndorsementKeyPair_Internal(TcContext context, TcTpmKeyParms keyInfo, TcTpmNonce antiReplay)
          This method generates the endorsement key pair.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspCreateMaintenanceArchive_Internal(TcContext context, boolean generateRandom, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This method creates a TPM maintenance archive.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspCreateMigrationBlob_Internal(TcContext context, long parentHandle, int migrationType, TcTpmMigrationkeyAuth migrationKeyAuth, TcBlobData encData, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTcsAuth inAuth2, TcTpmSecret parentAuth, TcTpmSecret entityAuth)
          This method implements the first step in the process of moving a migratable key to a new parent key or platform.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspCreateRevocableEK_Internal(TcContext context, TcTpmKeyParms keyInfo, TcTpmNonce antiReplay, boolean generateReset, TcTpmNonce inputEKreset)
          This method generates the revocable endorsement key pair.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspCreateWrapKey_Internal(TcContext context, long parentHandle, TcTpmEncauth dataUsageAuth, TcTpmEncauth dataMigrationAuth, TcITpmKeyNew keyInfo, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret pubAuth)
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspDaaJoin_Internal(TcContext context, long handle, short stage, TcBlobData inputData0, TcBlobData inputData1, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This method executes a TPM DAA join command.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspDaaSign_Internal(TcContext context, long handle, short stage, TcBlobData inputData0, TcBlobData inputData1, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This method executes a TPM DAA sign command.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspDelegate_ReadTable_Internal(TcContext context)
          This command is used to read from the TPM the public contents of the family and delegate tables that are stored on the TPM.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspDelegate_UpdateVerificationCount_Internal(TcContext context, TcBlobData inputData, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This method sets the cerificationCount in an entity (a blob or a delegation row) to the current family value, in order that the delegations represented by that entity will continue to be accepted by the TPM.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspDelegateCreateKeyDelegation_Internal(TcContext context, long keyHandle, TcTpmDelegatePublic publicInfo, TcTpmEncauth delAuth, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret privAuth)
          This method is used to delegate the privilege to us a key by creating a blob that can be used TPM_DSAP.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspDelegateCreateOwnerDelegation_Internal(TcContext context, boolean increment, TcTpmDelegatePublic publicInfo, TcTpmEncauth delAuth, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This method is used to delegate owner privileges to use a set of command ordinals by creating a blob.
static TcTcsAuth TcTspInternal.TspDelegateLoadOwnerDelegation_Internal(TcContext context, long index, TcTpmDelegateOwnerBlob blob, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This method is used to load an owner delegation blob into the TPM non-volatile delegation table.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspDelegateManage_Internal(TcContext context, long familyID, long opCode, TcBlobData opData, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This command is authorized either by the TPM owner or by physical presence.
static void TcTspInternal.TspDelegateVerifyDelegation_Internal(TcContext context, TcBlobData delegation)
          This method interprets a delegate blob and returns success or failure, depending on whether the blob is currently valid.
static TcTpmDigest TcTspInternal.TspDirRead_Internal(TcContext context, long dirIndex)
          This method provides read access to the Data Integrity Registers.
static TcTcsAuth TcTspInternal.TspDirWriteAuth_Internal(TcContext context, long dirIndex, TcTpmDigest newContents, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
static void TcTspInternal.TspDisableForceClear_Internal(TcContext context)
          This command disables the execution of the ForceClear command until next startup cycle.
static TcTcsAuth TcTspInternal.TspDisableOwnerClear_Internal(TcContext context, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This command disables the ability to execute the OwnerClear command permanently.
static TcTcsAuth TcTspInternal.TspDisablePubekRead_Internal(TcContext context, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This method returns the public portion of the endorsement key.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspDSAP_Internal(TcContext context, int entityType, long keyHandle, TcTpmNonce nonceOddDSAP, TcBlobData entityValue)
          This method opens a delegated authorization session.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspEstablishTransport_Internal(TcContext context, long encHandle, TcTpmTransportPublic transPublic, TcBlobData secret, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret keyAuth)
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspExecuteTransport_Internal(TcContext context, TcBlobData wrappedCmd, long transHandle, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret transAuth)
static TcTpmDigest TcTspInternal.TspExtend_Internal(TcContext context, long pcrNum, TcTpmDigest inDigest)
          This command causes the modification of a specific PCR register.
static void TcTspInternal.TspForceClear_Internal(TcContext context)
          This method performs the clear operation under physical presence.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspGetAuditDigest_Internal(TcContext context, long startOrdinal)
          This method gets the digest of audited ordinals.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspGetAuditDigestSigned_Internal(TcContext context, long keyHandle, boolean closeAudit, TcTpmNonce antiReplay, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret keyAuth)
          This method gets the signed digest of audited ordinals.
static TcBlobData TcTspInternal.TspGetCapability_Internal(TcContext context, long capArea, TcBlobData subCap)
          This method allows the TPM to report back the requestor what type of TPM it is dealing with.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspGetCapabilityOwner_Internal(TcContext context, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This method enables the TPM owner to retrieve information belonging to the TPM owner.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspGetCredentials_Internal(TcContext context)
static TcTssPcrEvent TcTspInternal.TspGetPcrEvent(TcContext context, long pcrIndex, long number)
          This method is used to retrieve events logged with TcTcsi.TcsiLogPcrEvent(long, TcTssPcrEvent).
static long TcTspInternal.TspGetPcrEventCount(TcContext context, long pcrIndex)
          This method returns the number of events logged with TcTcsi.TcsiLogPcrEvent(long, TcTssPcrEvent).
static TcTssPcrEvent[] TcTspInternal.TspGetPcrEventLog(TcContext context)
          This method returns the event log of all events since the TPM was initialized.
static TcTssPcrEvent[] TcTspInternal.TspGetPcrEventsByPcr(TcContext context, long pcrIndex, long firstEvent, long eventCount)
          This metho returns an event log bound to a single PCR.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspGetPubKey_Internal(TcContext context, long keyHandle, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret keyAuth)
static TcBlobData TcTspInternal.TspGetRandom_Internal(TcContext context, long bytesRequested)
          This method returns the next bytesRequested bytes from the random number generator to the caller.
static TcBlobData TcTspInternal.TspGetTestResult_Internal(TcContext context)
          This method provides manufacturer specific information regarding the results of the self-test.
static TcBlobData TcTspInternal.TspIfxReadTpm11Ek(TcContext context)
          This method reads the EK certificate embedded in 1.1b Infineon chips.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspIncrementCounter_Internal(TcContext context, long countID, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret counterAuth)
          This method selects a counter if one has not yet been selected, and increments that counter register.
static TcTcsAuth TcTspInternal.TspKillMaintenanceFeature_Internal(TcContext context, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This method triggers a permanent action that prevents ANYONE from creating a TPM maintenance archive until a new TPM owner is set.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspLoadKey2ByBlob_Internal(TcContext context, long hUnwrappingKey, TcITpmKey wrappedKeyBlob, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret parentAuth)
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspLoadKeyByBlob_Internal(TcContext context, long hUnwrappingKey, TcTpmKey wrappedKeyBlob, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret parentAuth)
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspLoadMaintenanceArchive_Internal(TcContext context, TcBlobData inData, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This method loads a TPM maintenance archive that has been massaged by the manufacturer to load into another TPM.
static TcTpmDigest TcTspInternal.TspLoadManuMaintPub_Internal(TcContext context, TcTpmNonce antiReplay, TcTpmPubkey pubKey)
          This method loads the TPM manufactuerer's public key for use in the maintenance process.
static long TcTspInternal.TspLogPcrEvent(TcContext context, TcTssPcrEvent pcrEvent)
          This method adds a new event to the end of the array associated with the named PCR.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspMakeIdentity_Internal(TcContext context, TcTpmEncauth identityAuth, TcTpmDigest labelPrivCADigest, TcITpmKeyNew idKeyParams, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTcsAuth inAuth2, TcTpmSecret srkAuth, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspMakeIdentity2_Internal(TcContext context, TcTpmEncauth identityAuth, TcTpmDigest labelPrivCADigest, TcITpmKeyNew idKeyParams, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTcsAuth inAuth2, TcTpmSecret srkAuth, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspMigrateKey_Internal(TcContext context, long maKeyHandle, TcTpmPubkey pubKey, TcBlobData inData, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret keyAuth)
          This method performs the function of a migration authority.
static TcTcsAuth TcTspInternal.TspNvDefineSpace_Internal(TcContext context, TcTpmNvDataPublic pubInfo, TcTpmEncauth encAuth, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This command sets aside space in the TPM NVRAM and defines the access requirements necessary to read and write that space.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspNvReadValue_Internal(TcContext context, long nvIndex, long offset, long dataSz, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This method reads a value from the NV store.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspNvReadValueAuth_Internal(TcContext context, long nvIndex, long offset, long dataSz, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret authHmac)
          This method reads a value from the NV store.
static TcTcsAuth TcTspInternal.TspNvWriteValue_Internal(TcContext context, long nvIndex, long offset, TcBlobData data, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This command writes the value to a defined area.
static TcTcsAuth TcTspInternal.TspNvWriteValueAuth_Internal(TcContext context, long nvIndex, long offset, TcBlobData data, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret authValue)
          This command writes a previously defined area.
static TcTcsAuth TcTspInternal.TspOIAP_Internal(TcContext context)
          This method allows the creation of an authorization handle and the tracking of the handle by the TPM.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspOSAP_Internal(TcContext context, int entityType, long entityValue, TcTpmNonce nonceOddOSAP)
          This method creates the authorization handle, the shared secret and generates nonceEven and nonceEvenOSAP.
static TcTcsAuth TcTspInternal.TspOwnerClear_Internal(TcContext context, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This command clears the TPM under owner authorization.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspOwnerReadInternalPub_Internal(TcContext context, long keyHandle, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspOwnerReadPubek_Internal(TcContext context, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This method allows the TPM owner to read the public endorsement key.
static TcTcsAuth TcTspInternal.TspOwnerSetDisable_Internal(TcContext context, boolean disableState, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This method is used to change the status of the TPM_PERSISTENT_DISABLE flag.
static TcTpmDigest TcTspInternal.TspPcrRead_Internal(TcContext context, long pcrIndex)
          This method provides a non-cryptographic reporting of the contents of a named PCR.
static void TcTspInternal.TspPcrReset_Internal(TcContext context, TcTpmPcrSelection pcrSelection)
          This method resets a PCR register.
static void TcTspInternal.TspPhysicalDisable_Internal(TcContext context)
          This method disables the TPM physical presence.
static void TcTspInternal.TspPhysicalEnable_Internal(TcContext context)
          This method enables the TPM physical presence.
static void TcTspInternal.TspPhysicalPresence_Internal(TcContext context, int physicalPresence)
          This method sets the physical presence flags.
static void TcTspInternal.TspPhysicalSetDeactivated_Internal(TcContext context, boolean state)
          This method sets the TPM_PERSITSTENT_FLAGS.deactivated flag to the value in the state parameter.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspQuote_Internal(TcContext context, long keyHandle, TcTpmNonce externalData, TcTpmPcrSelection targetPCR, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret privAuth)
          This command provides cryptographic reporting of PCR values.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspQuote2_Internal(TcContext context, long keyHandle, TcTpmNonce externalData, TcTpmPcrSelection targetPCR, boolean addVersion, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret privAuth)
          This command provides cryptographic reporting of PCR values.
static TcTpmCounterValue TcTspInternal.TspReadCounter_Internal(TcContext context, long countID)
          This method reads the current value of a counter register.
static TcTpmCurrentTicks TcTspInternal.TspReadCurrentTicks_Internal(TcContext context)
          This method reads the current tick out of the TPM.
static TcTpmDigest TcTspInternal.TspReadManuMaintPub_Internal(TcContext context, TcTpmNonce antiReplay)
          This command is used to check whether the manufactuerer's public maintenance key in a TPM has the expected value.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspReadPubek_Internal(TcContext context, TcTpmNonce antiReplay)
          This method returns the public portion of the endorsement key.
static TcTcsAuth TcTspInternal.TspReleaseCounter_Internal(TcContext context, long countID, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret counterAuth)
          This method releases a counter so that no reads or increments of the indicated counter will succeed.
static TcTcsAuth TcTspInternal.TspReleaseCounterOwner_Internal(TcContext context, long countID, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This method releases a counter so that no reads or increments of the indicated counter will succeed.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspReleaseTransportSigned_Internal(TcContext context, long keyHandle, TcTpmNonce antiReplay, long transHandle, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTcsAuth inAuth2, TcTpmSecret keyAuth, TcTpmSecret transAuth)
static TcTcsAuth TcTspInternal.TspResetLockValue_Internal(TcContext context, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          Resets the lock that get set in a TPM after multiple false authorization attempts.
static void TcTspInternal.TspRevokeEndorsementKeyPair_Internal(TcContext context, TcTpmNonce EKReset)
          This method clears the TPM revocable endorsement key pair.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspSeal_Internal(TcContext context, long keyHandle, TcTpmEncauth encAuth, TcITpmPcrInfo pcrInfo, TcBlobData inData, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret pubAuth)
          This method allows software to explicitly state the future trusted configuration that the platform must be in for the secret to be revealed.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspSealx_Internal(TcContext context, long keyHandle, TcTpmEncauth encAuth, TcTpmPcrInfoLong pcrInfo, TcBlobData inData, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret pubAuth)
          This method allows software to explicitly state the future trusted configuration that the platform must be in for the secret to be revealed.
static void TcTspInternal.TspSelfTestFull_Internal(TcContext context)
          This method triggers a test of all TPM protected capabilities.
static TcTcsAuth TcTspInternal.TspSetCapability_Internal(TcContext context, long capArea, TcBlobData subCap, TcBlobData setValue, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This method allows the caller to set values in the TPM.
static void TcTspInternal.TspSetOperatorAuth_Internal(TcContext context, TcTpmSecret operatorAuth)
          Sets the operator authorization value for the platform.
static TcTcsAuth TcTspInternal.TspSetOrdinalAuditStatus_Internal(TcContext context, long ordinalToAudit, boolean auditState, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This command sets the audit flag for a given ordinal.
static void TcTspInternal.TspSetOwnerInstall_Internal(TcContext context, boolean state)
          This method determines if the TPM has a current owner.
static TcTcsAuth TcTspInternal.TspSetRedirection_Internal(TcContext context, long keyHandle, long redirCmd, TcBlobData inputData, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          Redirected keys enable the output of a TPM to be directed to non-TCG security functions in the platform, without exposing that output to non-security functions.
static void TcTspInternal.TspSetTempDeactivated_Internal(TcContext context)
          This method sets the TPM_VOLATILE_FLAGS.deactivated to the value TRUE which temporarily deactivates the TPM.
static TcTcsAuth TcTspInternal.TspSetTempDeactivated2_Internal(TcContext context, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret operatorAuth)
          This method sets the TPM_VOLATILE_FLAGS.deactivated to the value TRUE which temporarily deactivates the TPM.
static TcTpmDigest TcTspInternal.TspSHA1Complete_Internal(TcContext context, TcBlobData hashData)
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspSHA1CompleteExtend_Internal(TcContext context, long pcrNum, TcBlobData hashData)
static java.lang.Long TcTspInternal.TspSHA1Start_Internal(TcContext context)
static void TcTspInternal.TspSHA1Update_Internal(TcContext context, long numBytes, TcBlobData hashData)
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspSign_Internal(TcContext context, long keyHandle, TcBlobData areaToSign, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret privAuth)
          This method signs a digest and returns the resulting digital signature.
static void TcTspInternal.TspStirRandom_Internal(TcContext context, TcBlobData inData)
          This method adds entropy to the RNG state.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspTakeOwnership_Internal(TcContext context, int protocolID, TcBlobData encOwnerAuth, TcBlobData encSrkAuth, TcITpmKeyNew srkParams, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret ownerAuth)
          This method inserts the Owner-authorization data and creates a new Storage Root Key (SRK).
static void TcTspInternal.TspTerminateHandle_Internal(TcContext context, long handle)
          This method allows the TPM driver to clear out information in an authorization handle.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspTickStampBlob_Internal(TcContext context, long keyHandle, TcTpmNonce antiReplay, TcTpmDigest digestToStamp, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret privAuth)
          This method is similar to a time stamp: it associates a tick value with a blob, indicating that the blob existed at some point earlier than the time corresponding to the tick value.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspUnBind_Internal(TcContext context, long keyHandle, TcBlobData inData, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTpmSecret privAuth)
          This method takes the data blob that is the result of a bind command and decrypts it for export to the user.
static java.lang.Object[] TcTspInternal.TspUnseal_Internal(TcContext context, long parentHandle, TcITpmStoredData inData, TcTcsAuth inAuth1, TcTcsAuth inAuth2, TcTpmSecret parentAuth, TcTpmSecret dataAuth)
          This method will reveal sealed data only if it was encrypted on this platform and the current configuration (defined by the named PCRs) is the one named as qualified to decrypt it.

Uses of TcTssException in

Methods in that throw TcTssException
 TcTssKmKeyinfo[] TcITcsBinding.TcsiEnumRegisteredKeys(long hContext, TcTssUuid keyUuid)
 TcTssKmKeyinfo TcITcsBinding.TcsiGetRegisteredKey(long hContext, TcTssUuid keyUuid)
 TcBlobData TcITcsBinding.TcsiGetRegisteredKeyBlob(long hContext, TcTssUuid keyUuid)
 TcBlobData TcITcsBinding.TcsiGetRegisteredKeyByPublicInfo(long hContext, long algId, TcBlobData publicInfo)
 void TcITcsBinding.TcsipKeyControlOwner(long hContext, long tcsKeyHandle, long attribName, long attribValue, TcTcsAuth ownerAuth, TcTssUuid uuidData)
 long TcITcsBinding.TcsipLoadKeyByUuid(long hContext, TcTssUuid keyUuid, TcTcsLoadkeyInfo loadKeyInfo)
 void TcITcsBinding.TcsiRegisterKey(long hContext, TcTssUuid wrappingKeyUuid, TcTssUuid keyUuid, TcBlobData key, TcBlobData vendorData)
 void TcITcsBinding.TcsiUnregisterKey(long hContext, TcTssUuid keyUuid)

Uses of TcTssException in

Methods in that throw TcTssException
 TcTssKmKeyinfo[] TcTcsBindingLocal.TcsiEnumRegisteredKeys(long hContext, TcTssUuid keyUuid)
 TcTssKmKeyinfo TcTcsBindingLocal.TcsiGetRegisteredKey(long hContext, TcTssUuid keyUuid)
 TcBlobData TcTcsBindingLocal.TcsiGetRegisteredKeyBlob(long hContext, TcTssUuid keyUuid)
 TcBlobData TcTcsBindingLocal.TcsiGetRegisteredKeyByPublicInfo(long hContext, long algId, TcBlobData publicInfo)
 void TcTcsBindingLocal.TcsipKeyControlOwner(long hContext, long tcsKeyHandle, long attribName, long attribValue, TcTcsAuth ownerAuth, TcTssUuid uuidData)
 long TcTcsBindingLocal.TcsipLoadKeyByUuid(long hContext, TcTssUuid keyUuid, TcTcsLoadkeyInfo loadKeyInfo)
 void TcTcsBindingLocal.TcsiRegisterKey(long hContext, TcTssUuid wrappingKeyUuid, TcTssUuid keyUuid, TcBlobData key, TcBlobData vendorData)
 void TcTcsBindingLocal.TcsiUnregisterKey(long hContext, TcTssUuid keyUuid)

Uses of TcTssException in

Methods in that throw TcTssException
 TcTssKmKeyinfo[] TcTcsBindingSoap.TcsiEnumRegisteredKeys(long hContext, TcTssUuid keyUuid)
 TcTssKmKeyinfo TcTcsBindingSoap.TcsiGetRegisteredKey(long hContext, TcTssUuid keyUuid)
 TcBlobData TcTcsBindingSoap.TcsiGetRegisteredKeyBlob(long hContext, TcTssUuid keyUuid)
 TcBlobData TcTcsBindingSoap.TcsiGetRegisteredKeyByPublicInfo(long hContext, long algId, TcBlobData publicInfo)
 void TcTcsBindingSoap.TcsipKeyControlOwner(long hContext, long tcsKeyHandle, long attribName, long attribValue, TcTcsAuth ownerAuth, TcTssUuid uuidData)
 long TcTcsBindingSoap.TcsipLoadKeyByUuid(long hContext, TcTssUuid keyUuid, TcTcsLoadkeyInfo loadKeyInfo)
 void TcTcsBindingSoap.TcsiRegisterKey(long hContext, TcTssUuid wrappingKeyUuid, TcTssUuid keyUuid, TcBlobData key, TcBlobData vendorData)
 void TcTcsBindingSoap.TcsiUnregisterKey(long hContext, TcTssUuid keyUuid)

Uses of TcTssException in

Methods in that throw TcTssException
 TcTssKmKeyinfo[] TcITssPersistentStorage.enumRegisteredKeys(TcTssUuid keyUuid)
          Returns the whole key hierarchy of the given key i.e.
 TcTssKmKeyinfo[] TcTssPersistentStorage.enumRegisteredKeys(TcTssUuid keyUuid)
 TcTssKmKeyinfo TcITssPersistentStorage.getRegisteredKey(TcTssUuid keyUuid)
          Returns information on a registered key.
 TcTssKmKeyinfo TcTssPersistentStorage.getRegisteredKey(TcTssUuid keyUuid)
 TcBlobData TcITssPersistentStorage.getRegisteredKeyBlob(TcTssUuid keyUuid)
          Gets the key blob from the key described by this UUID
 TcBlobData TcTssPersistentStorage.getRegisteredKeyBlob(TcTssUuid keyUuid)
 TcBlobData TcITssPersistentStorage.getRegisteredKeyByPublicInfo(long algId, TcBlobData pubKey)
          TODO complete documentation Returns a key blob described by the given public key and its algorithm
 TcBlobData TcTssPersistentStorage.getRegisteredKeyByPublicInfo(long algId, TcBlobData pubKey)
 void TcITssPersistentStorage.registerKey(TcTssUuid parentUuid, TcTssUuid keyUuid, TcBlobData key)
          Registers the key in persistent storage.
 void TcTssPersistentStorage.registerKey(TcTssUuid parentUuid, TcTssUuid keyUuid, TcBlobData key)
 void TcITssPersistentStorage.unregisterKey(TcTssUuid keyUuid)
          Unregisters the key in persistent storage.
 void TcTssPersistentStorage.unregisterKey(TcTssUuid keyUuid)